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Release planning

Release 3.5 20.01.2025: Sta­tus geplant in Pla­nung in Pla­nung neu in Pla­nung Log­ger Bun­dle (Transak­tion­spro­tokol­lierung) Ergänzun­gen im Bro­ker­Web Opti­mierun­gen weit­ere in Pla­nung Release 3.4 16.09.2024: Sta­tus geplant in Entwick­lung neu


20.11.2024 Swiss Insur­ance                    Inno­va­tion Award Datum Zeit Ort Pro­gramm Anmel­dung Mittwoch, 20. Novem­ber 2024 abends High End Event-Loca­tion AURA, Zürich Programm

Doubling of cyber attacks

The Fed­er­al Office for Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty (BACS) cur­rent­ly pro­vides the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion: (Source: BACS press release dat­ed 6 May 2024) Twice as many cyber inci­dents were report­ed to the Fed­er­al Office for Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty (BACS) in the sec­ond half of 2023 than in the same peri­od of the pre­vi­ous year, namely

Automatic invoice dispatch

Der Ver­sand von Rech­nun­gen per Post gehört in vie­len Betrieben schon der Ver­gan­gen­heit an. Gle­ichzeit­ig steigen die Anforderun­gen der Kun­den an die Art der Rech­nungsstel­lung. Bro­ker­Star bietet vier Möglichkeit­en, um

Digital Eco Systems …

Dig­i­tal eco sys­tems as the basis for trans­for­ma­tion Dig­i­tal eco sys­tems are a real suc­cess mod­el for most com­pa­nies. They offer the oppor­tu­ni­ty to offer prod­ucts and ser­vices across bor­ders and cul­tures via a

EcoHub / IG B2B core processes 03/2024

Eco­Hub AG com­menced oper­a­tions on 8 July 2022. The insur­ance exchange plat­form is now oper­at­ed by a pub­lic lim­it­ed com­pa­ny spun off from IG B2B. In addi­tion to insur­ance com­pa­nies and some large brokers

The new BrokerStar

A new era begins Bro­ker­Star, the solu­tion from start­up to enter­prise bro­ker. New Bro­ker­Star V‑3 New­er, more con­sis­tent design Many new func­tions Fields that are not filled in are not dis­played Greater inte­gra­tion of

Broker processes without media discontinuity

New buzz­words often cause con­fu­sion. What is dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion, what are process­es with­out media dis­con­ti­nu­ity? It sim­ply means that data only needs to be record­ed once, and that this data can also be exchanged between dif­fer­ent organisations.